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This new Mini Rook bowl stands a 3 1/2" tall with a diameter of 2 1/2", and categorise this bowl as a shisha saver because of the shallow interior. You can enjoy countless session while using only 8g - 15g of flavour, this bowl is designed to be used with hookah foil.
The word "Rook" comes from the game of chess, and this particular object has a castle style head similar to the spire of the Rook Bowl.
This bowl is designed to function like a standard phunnel, so all the juice stays inside your bowl, not in your down stem. These bowls are manufactured in the US, with high-quality clay and lead-free glaze.
The unique spire for this bowl wasn't added for the chess fans; it creates a phenomenal session. This 4 way air chamber allows the smoke to flow straight into the down stem, without the normal barrier of a standard phunnel spire. You can always leave the air channels clear of any blockage.
Due to being hand made colour will vary bowl to bowl.
What you get: